Your Journey into Wellness
Show up for your relaxing energy healing, and make an internal request for what you wish to achieve and stay open for the experience to receive
Clients can experience the freedom that they are looking for in just a few sessions. The Therapy is dynamic and effective, and is designed to uncover the root cause of your issue(s), help free you from any self-defeating beliefs/patterns and imprint new positive and powerful upgrades into your energy and subconscious to produce life changing results, to go on to live a more happy fulfilling life.
Start Your Journey Now.
Divine Energy Healing©
is Yours to Experience
An integrative therapy, where proven energetic and spiritual healing are achieved, from a Quantum level, soul level, physical, mental and emotional levels. Let us help you find answers that lead to permanent powerful change. This dynamic integrated therapy experience includes an energy reading (information on all levels) and messages from your guides and higher-self, energy healing, balancing and clearing. This session may include: soul retrieval, regressive therapy, trauma releasement and hypnosis technique. Divine Energy Healing really enables one to find the root cause or underline issue and resolve it. You can often experience greater well being, balance, more clarity in just one session, giving you a lighter increased positive feeling.
2-3 sessions are recommended to make a difference in your life
Your appointment is minimum 2 hours, and includes:
1 aftercare assignment, 1 personalized recording that is yours to keep
All New Client's receive a free 15 minute Discovery Call
Clients pay at time of Booking